OnBelay welcomes both designated and undesignated donations to support our ministry.  Undesignated giving will be directed to the most critical current need. 

You may also specify how you would like your contribution to be used when making your contribution and we will allocate your gift accordingly.

Where the Money Goes

83% of all funds go directly to program support – providing food and housing; supporting education and training; assuring that these at-risk adolescent orphans develop skills for a healthy and happy independent adulthood.  

The remaining 17% supports the communication between the U.S. and Uganda and administration of the organization.

Ongoing Budget Needs

Since opening our training center, interest continues to grow and more students are being turned away. The need for expansion has become urgent. Not only do we need additional classes, but also additional instructors and supplies. Currently, On Belay needs additional partners to meet these increasing costs. Please consider a monthly or one-time gift to support our ministry.